Sunday, January 14, 2007

Head wear 07

Thumbs up for the first trip back to the middle ages. My time machine works!

Good Bye Mo and Trav

Yet again, more close friends are leaving for the penal colony. Imogen and Travis are leaving Blighty to start a fresh as legal representatives for the colonial prison island of Oz. We would like to wish them all the very best and say that you are both going to be sorely missed. ABC.


I, David Cook, hear by retract said statement "Travis Trounced Little Ruth". Travis may be my life coach, but in the words of Nelson Mandela, poverty is man made and the people of China deserve to be poverty free. It is with great regret and sorrow, that I have to therefore ignore Travis's comments and wholly support my good friend Ruthie.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year

New Year was a civil occasion with lots of food and wine. Travis (aka Life Coach) argued with Little Ruth about China!! Travis trounced the civil rights activist… good work Trav. Adam continued to try and preserve his liver whilst Michelle and Mo did their best to raise the price of Champagne stocks.
Happy New Year everyone.

Defeated activist above